Home / Scheduling
How it Works:
Veterinarians can email or call 503-451-3977 or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Naidoo.
Appointments are available Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 8am to 2pm.
Records can be emailed to or faxed to 503-966-7955.
A referral form is available under the FORMS tab and should be filled out by the primary veterinarian and made available by the time of the appointment.
Patient history and consent forms are available under the FORMS tab and should be filled out by the owner prior to consultation.
Previous pertinent radiographs should be emailed (if digital) or made available for viewing at the time of appointment.
The patient should be dropped off the morning of the consultation and fasted for the previous 12 hours unless medically contraindicated (water is allowed).
We request an employee of the clinic be available during the appointment to assist with restraint and sedation (provided by the clinic) if necessary.
Any sedation or anesthesia needed for procedures must be provided by the clinic
A recent platelet count is recommended in case fine needle aspirations are necessary.
Diagnostic samples should be submitted by the primary veterinarian to the laboratory of their choosing; results can be emailed to Dr. Naidoo to be integrated into the final medical plan.
Pet Owners: please contact your regular veterinarian to discuss scheduling an ultrasound with Dr. Naidoo.
Please call or email Dr. Naidoo to receive a copy of the service fees. Clinics will be billed directly for these services, and the clinics themselves are responsible for establishing the final fees to be charged to their clients.